If you are looking to get out on the water for some spring paddling but have not quite made it yet, consider joining the "Paddle the Border" event coming up Sunday May 23rd. This will be the 7th year for this popular paddlers get together and all indications point to good weather and reasonable water conditions.
It is a day of freebies, free shuttle service and a free concert at the end of the run at Bedell Bridge State Park. The route goes from the community field in Woodsville, NH to Bedell Bridge Park again on the NH side, a distance of approx. 12 miles. There will be food for sale by the local Rotary Club at the end also which goes to support their scholarship fund. The first wave of boats is scheduled to head out around 10am. Get going early, drop your boat off at the start and then drive down to Bedell Bridge, leave your car and take the bus back to the community field. I would expect at least 50 boats participating. Definately more if it is a nice warm sunny day.
I was on the water yesterday with a crew from Channel 3 News from Plattsburg/Burlington doing an interview and photo shoot. Check out the news on channel 3 this coming Tuesday the 18th and catch a glimpse of the river and yours truly paddling the camera crew up through the narrows to the covered bridge on the Ammonoosuc River. Check out the video they put together (it's prefixed by a short ad, so hang in there).
Happy Paddling!!!